Video Gallery

Gallery is an intelligent photo gallery that learns what is most important to you, organizes your photos & videos into moments, helping you re-live and share life's.

Skanda Schools is a online school management software designed to handle all school work. It can handle various modules like Students details, results, attendance, Teacher/Staff details & attendance, Tuition fees, Library system, courses, school website etc. And Mobile App also provides all Parents and school managements.

Skanda Schools is a online school management software designed to handle all school work. It can handle various modules like Students details, results, attendance, Teacher/Staff details & attendance, Tuition fees, Library system, courses, school website etc. And Mobile App also provides all Parents and school managements.

Skanda Schools is a online school management software designed to handle all school work. School Parents and management Android application for using student attendance details, fee details, marks details and school announcement details, celebrations info, Events etc.,